Providing opportunities for the Homeless

The Net does not seek to replace existing interventions. We NETWORK with different organisations, private individuals and Government working with Street People. This avoids replication of interventions and prevents manipulation of services.
We share information with our closest counterparts in Simonstown, Kalk Bay, and Muizenberg, through respective Ward Councillors, Social Workers and NGO’s (Happy Valley, The Haven, U-Turn, Living Hope and Hosa).
The Fish Hoek Valley Residents and Ratepayers Association and the Fish Hoek Business Improvement District have stated their support for The Net initiative.
Work for Credit
Clients at The NET are able to earn an income in the form of a stipend by fulfilling key roles in the organisation or working on projects which qualify for a stipend.

Volunteers Connecting
We rely largely on the generosity of volunteers in giving their time to work with The Net. This keeps overheads down and ensures that money donated goes to meeting the needs of Street People.
The Volunteers prepare and eat food and clean up with the Street People and many facilitate morning devotional, life skills and skills transfer group discussions.
It is through sitting with a street person and engaging with them on a one-to-one basis, sharing encounters and acknowledging the person as an individual that we can begin to restore esteem needed to make life changing decisions. Conversations and engagement are both key to reintegration.
If you are interested in volunteering, we would welcome and appreciate your assistance.
Our Network Partners
Living Hope
Living Hope adopt a holistic approach where they seek to address people wherever they are through four ministries, of compassionate health care, recovery and restoration, guidance to right living and economic imp
Happy Valley and The Haven
Happy Valley is an shelter for homeless adults.
The Heart Project
The HeArt project is a start up not for profit organization operating in the Southern Peninsula of Cape Town whose mission is to touch the lives of those in need through meditation, art and connection. Individuals attending HeArt Project workshops join together for a meal at the Net. The relationship becomes a two-way referral.
Espavo: Zaeemah Robinson
The objective of Espavo Projects is to enable homeless and destitute individuals in Fish Hoek and South Peninsula areas to become self-sustainable through skills development and training opportunities and where possible, to generate an income through their skills.